Women's Ministry at First Baptist

The FBCR Women's Ministry seeks to:
- CARE for the needs of others
- NURTURE believers in their faith
- NOURISH souls of women through the Word of God
- WORSHIP the living God
- MAKE DISCIPLES for Jesus Christ
- GIVE of our time, talents, and treasures
- LOVE believers and others through Jesus Christ
- ENCOURAGE the lowly in spirit
- SHARE with those in need
Bible Studies
Opportunities for women to gather and grow spiritually into a deeper relationship with God through the study of His word. "Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart for I am called by your name." Jeremiah 15:16
Precept Study of 1 Thessalonians
Every Tuesday beginning September 3, 2024 - April 15, 2025 (does not meet in December)
Time options: 9:30 am or 6:30 pm | Location: FBCR
More info & registration here for I Thessalonians study
You will be provided a link to purchase the book at the end of registration, or you can order the book with the link below if you are already registered.
purchase the I Thessalonians book here (choose esv version)
2x a Month on Thursdays beginning January 9 - May 1, 2025
Time: 10 am | Location: FBCR
No Cost. Childcare is available for preschool and nursery children only. There will also be an Elementary Study Room available.
More info & registration for the Parables Bible Study
For more information regarding our Bible Studies, please contact Linda Donnelly, Ministry Leader.
Women's Prayer
Various opportunities for women to pray together. "All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer." Acts 1:14
- Women In Prayer - Every Wednesday evening except the first Wednesday - we join with the church-wide prayer meeting that meets on the first Wednesday.
- Women In Prayer for Adult Children - 3rd Wednesday of the month
For more information about these prayer groups, please contact Linda Donnelly, Ministry Leader.
Titus 2 Ministries
One-To-One Mentorship/Discipleship
A mature believer coming alongside another woman to support, encourage, and equip her to grow spiritually for God's glory. "But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children. So being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us." I Thessalonians 2:7-8
If you are interested in a mentorship relationship, please contact Kristin Rasor, Ministry Leader
Small Group Spiritual Mentoring
Older women training, encouraging, and mentoring younger women in Biblical truths as they gather together through a study of the book, "The True Woman - The Beauty and Strength of a Godly Woman" by Susan Hunt..
"She opens her mouth with wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue." Proverbs 31:26
Current Small Groups Spiritual Mentoring:
- 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 10:30 am - Noon | Ages 26 and above - At FBCR
2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm | Ages 18 - 25 - Oxford Area
1st and 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:30 am - Noon | Ages 18 - 25 - At FBCR
If you would like to participate in small group spiritual mentoring, please contact Mara Horvath, Ministry Leader.
Small Group Spiritual Mentoring coming soon:
- 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 11:00 am - 12:30 pm | Ages 26 and above - Rochester Area
Fellowship Ministry
Special Events
The events team is committed to providing opportunities for women to engage with other women in a Christ-honoring, social setting. Whether listening to a speaker, going off campus for a special activity, or enjoying food and fellowship, we want women to feel welcomed and encouraged. "That their hearts may be encouraged..." Colossians 2:2

Christmas Event, 2024
For more information regarding our Women's Events, please contact Lori Simpson, Ministry Leader.